Securely Connecting to EC2 Windows Instances Using SSH Port Forwarding

SSH port forwarding allows you to securely access an EC2 Windows instance in a private subnet through a bastion host in a public subnet. This approach ensures secure communication between your local machine and the bastion host.
Creating a Private Subnet
Create a private subnet in your VPC. If you already have one, you can skip this step.
Configuring a Route Table
- Create a route table and associate it with the private subnet.
- Ensure the internet gateway is removed from this route table to maintain the privacy of the subnet.
Setting Up a NAT Gateway (Optional)
If your EC2 Windows instance needs internet access, create a NAT gateway in a public subnet and attach it to the route table.
Deploying an SSH Bastion Host
- Launch an EC2 instance in a public subnet to serve as the bastion host.
- Configure the security group to allow inbound traffic on ports 22 (SSH) and 3389 (RDP).
Creating an EC2 Windows Instance
- Launch an EC2 Windows instance in the private subnet.
- Retrieve the remote desktop credentials using the
Get Windows Password
option in the EC2 dashboard. - Restrict security group access to allow inbound traffic on ports 22 and 3389 only from the bastion host.
Testing the Connection
To establish a secure connection to the EC2 Windows instance, execute the following command from your terminal:
ssh -i <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY> -L 13389:<YOUR_EC2_WINDOWS_IP>:3389 ec2-user@<YOUR_SSH_BASTION_IP>
This command forwards traffic from local port 13389 to the EC2 Windows instance in the private subnet via the bastion host.
Now, initiate a remote desktop session using localhost:13389
By leveraging SSH port forwarding, AWS users can securely connect to EC2 Windows instances located in private subnets while minimizing exposure to public access.
Happy Coding! 🚀