Note on AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01) Exam

I successfully passed the AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01) exam and want to share tips to help you prepare and succeed.
My AWS Experience Before the Exam
Before taking this exam, I had already obtained the following certifications:
Date | Exam | Version |
Mar. 2017 | Solutions Architect - Associate | SAA-C00 |
Dec. 2019 | Solutions Architect - Professional | SAP-C01 |
Jan. 2020 | DevOps Engineer - Professional | DOP-C01 |
Jan. 2020 | Big Data - Specialty | BDS-C00 |
Feb. 2020 | Security - Specialty | SCS-C01 |
Feb. 2020 | Advanced Networking - Specialty | ANS-C00 |
Exam Result
I took the exam on June 14th, 2020, and passed with a score of 932 out of 1,000. Below is the topic-level breakdown:
Exam Impressions
Exam | Volume | Difficulty |
Solutions Architect - Professional | 5 | 5 |
DevOps Engineer - Professional | 4 | 4 |
Machine Learning - Specialty | 3 | 4 |
Advanced Networking - Specialty | 3 | 3 |
Big Data - Specialty | 3 | 3 |
Security - Specialty | 3 | 2 |
Recommended Resources
Blog Resources
- Jayendra’s Blog: A detailed, well-organized guide covering all exam topics. Highly recommended.
AWS Official Resources
- Exam Guide
- AWS Whitepapers & Guides
- AWS Documentation
- AWS Architecture Center
- Amazon Machine Learning - Developer Guide
- SageMaker - Developer Guide
Practice Tests
- WhizLabs - AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty
- Udemy - AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty: Full Practice Exam: The in-depth explanations were useful and I could practice time management in Udemy platform.
While passing this exam alone does not guarantee expertise in machine learning, it provides a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of machine learning concepts and their implementation using AWS.