Conversion of SVG to PNG (Base64) with JavaScript
Takahiro Iwasa
2 min read
JavaScript RxJS
It has been more than 3 years since this post was published.
I wrote a code to convert SVG to PNG (Base64) using RxJS.
You can pull an example code used in this post from my GitHub repository.
Images will be processed by the following order.
- Creating a
element. Please specify a scaling coefficient for better quality if the canvas generates low quality images. - Creating an
object - Converting SVG to Base64
- Setting the Base64 to the
- Rendering the image on the canvas after loading the image
- Obtaining the data URI using
import { filter, fromEvent, map, Observable, take, throwIfEmpty } from 'rxjs';
* Convert SVG to PNG (Base64).
* @param svgElement
* @param scale A scaling coefficient
* @return Observable<string>
export const svgToPng = (svgElement: SVGSVGElement, scale = 4): Observable<string> => {
const canvas = createCanvas(svgElement, scale);
const image = new Image();
const source = fromEvent(image, 'load').pipe(
map(() => canvas.getContext('2d', {})),
map((context) => {
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
return canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1);
image.src = svgToBase64(svgElement);
return source;
const createCanvas = (svgElement: SVGSVGElement, scale = 4): HTMLCanvasElement => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = svgElement.width.baseVal.value * scale;
canvas.height = svgElement.height.baseVal.value * scale;
return canvas;
const svgToBase64 = (svgElement: SVGSVGElement): string => {
const svg = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svgElement);
const base64 = window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(svg)));
return `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,${base64}`;